Roasted Vegetables
SUBMITTED by Debra Rohrer, LDN Food Editor
“When the grill comes out, it’s time for the roasted vegetables
to be added to the menu.”
No specific amounts, use any combination of:
potatoes, red or white
1 stick butter or margarine
salt and pepper
Heat outdoor grill. Spray round metal cake pan with cooking
spray. (may use foil packets) Cut up or slice potatoes; place on
bottom of prepared pan. Start adding other cubed or sliced
vegetables in any combination until you reach the top of the
pan. Sometimes I leave them in piles of like vegetable and not
scatter them, especially the cabbage. Add slices of butter to
the top of the veggies. Cover pan with foil. Place pan on grill.
I usually roast veggies longer than the meat. Turn pan around on
grill once in awhile. Remove from grill and serve. It will take
some trial and error to find out how you like them best.