t was a genuine Polar Plunge
at Lincoln Lakes on Saturday.
Winter was still lingering
following the coldest and
snowiest season in Lincoln’s
Just a week earlier, organizers
were speculating if the plunge
was going to happen, as the lake
was covered with 6-inch-thick
ice. Jokingly, it was suggested it
might be necessary to cut little
dunk holes.
So it was authentic for the 197
Polar Plungers this year, as they
faced near-freezing water and
a near-freezing wind chill. The
plungers earned their bragging
rights to the event’s motto,
“Freezin’ for a Reason.”
How did they manage?
Some of the plungers warmed
themselves like warriors going
into battle, with a war whoop.
They began screaming at the
starting shot, lunging forward on
the sandy beach, and continued
screaming before their feet even
hit water, continuing loudly
with gleeful screeches, hoots
and hollers, going for the goal of
reaching the buoyed rope -- the
louder, the better; the few quiet
ones caused some consternation.
Once out, sopping wet and
dripping, the plungers headed
single file at a steady pace for the
nearby heated tents.
But, no grumbling would be
heard this day about the cold
of this winter, or the water, or
anything else for that matter. This
hardship was bravely borne for
a cause: to support the Special
This day represented cold hands,
cold feet and cold bodies, but 197
strongly beating warm hearts.
Following a change of clothes in
the warming tents, participants
were bused back to the Knights
of Columbus for a celebration
with hot food, snacks and the
presentation of the 2014 awards.
Joanie Keyes, Area 10 Special
Olympics director, sent a special
note along with the final results
from the Polar Plunge at Lincoln
“On behalf of all the Special
Olympic Athletes, Parents and
Coaches I would like to express
my sincere thanks for the COOL
way the 2014 Polar Plunge
Participants contributed to this
event!! We had 197 plungers and
raised over $33,000!! It takes a
team of volunteers and sponsors
to make this event a success and
Special Olympics would like to
thank everyone that helped to
make this event happen!”
Prize winners for the 2014
Lincoln Polar Plunge:
• Team that raised the most
money, up to 5 participants: The
Christian Village Angels, $375
• Team that raised the most
money, 6-14 participants: Pulaski
Plungers, $1,359
• Team that raised the most
money, 15-plus participants:
Team Lexi, $8,274
• Teams that recruited the most
plungers: Team Lexi, 57; Lynx
Won’t Synk, 35; LJHS, 26
• Individuals who raised the
most money: Julie Bradford,
$1,550; Paula Coffey, $1,460; Julia
Hutton, $1,397
• Best Costume, individual: Santa
• Best Costume, team: Minions-
Lynx Won’t Synk, Lincoln College
• Honorary Plunger for 2015
Polar Plunge: Team Lexie
Teams and amounts raised:
• Team Curry: $4,095.70
• LJHS: $3,088.82
• Monsanto: $2,600
• Lynx Won’t Synk: $2,321
• Midwest Central Student
Council: $1,818
• Wal-Mart Super Heroes: $1,505
• Pulaski Plungers: $1,359
• Chester-East Plungers: $860
• Sudzey Sponges: $595
• Purple & Gold with some
Wildcats: $480
• The Christian Village Angels:
• Shock and Thaw: $295
• Lincoln Community High
School: $275 (still collecting)
• Sparked Out: $150
Keyes says to save the date for
the 2015 Lincoln Polar Plunge:
Saturday, March 21.
[Jan Youngquist]
Nearly 200 plungers ‘Freezin’ for a Reason’