Many who work at home transform a bedroom
into their home workspace. The bedroom is usually
less open and expansive than needed, has a door
that closes, and tends to leave us disconnected
from everyone else on the planet. People have
to invade our space to connect with us: they are
either out there or in here. There are times when
this disconnectedness helps us, and there are times
when it hinders us.
Rather than using the contained space
of a bedroom as our home workspace, a
partitioned or screened-off part of a larger
living room or other open area can allow
us to claim our workspace but not be
completely disconnected from the most
important people in our life. We maintain
the feeling of intimacy because they are
“right over there!” We need the privacy
and concentration of our workspace but
not the total isolation of the dungeon.
4. Spaceandergonomics,workspaceand
storage, color and layout should be considerations
when we are designing our space. Our workspace
should reflect our personalities, accommodate our
job, provide functionality and inspire us.
a. A workspace should have some personal
touches that are not too distracting but help us to feel
ownership and belonging in our home workspace.
Creating a sterile workspace might push us out
of the workspace back into distraction rather
than welcome us and create the right vibe. Select
decorating items that will aid in the comfort of the
task and inspire you in the work. Inspiring posters
with encouraging messages often bring about good
work results.
b.Choosecomfortable, spaciousofficeequipment.
If youwill be occupying your home office on a full-
time basis, you will likely be occupying your chair
and desk for eight hours a day, five days a week.
Apoorly designed workstation and chair will cause
you to have bad posture and develop chronic health
problems. Many employers provide funding and
sources for obtaining the right office equipment
for your home workspace to keep you comfortably
working and healthy.
c. You need all the things you needed at the
centralized office. You need the means of creating
paper copies, filing, storage and printing. All the
office supplies, office machines and office stuff you
needed at the centralized office, you will need at
your home workspace. Sometimes copying can be
done at Kinko’s, but going out every time you need
a copy can be a bad use of time. Your
employer should help cover your costs
for needed supplies and equipment.
d. Have a place for everything and
everything in its place. Nothing kills
your spirit faster than creating a mess
and trying to work in it. Time should be
filing things away and straightening the
clutter. Everyone has a healthy level of
mess maintenance. Avoid depression by
maintaining your space.
e. Choose paint colors for your workspace that
inspire you to get work done. Maybe it’s green for
money; maybe it’s blue because the endless sky is
blue. Don’t choose your most comforting colors,
because you are at work, not at home. The selection
of color can help you make the daily transition to
work from home.
f. Although you are in the privacy of your home,
wearing your pajamas every day may inspire you
to relax too much and achieve too little. I think it’s
important to do it once in a while to have bragging
rights. But, the rest of the time, have a work outfit
that is comfortable but helps you get to work.
5. Invite your boss or employer to see you in your
successful homeworkspace.You don’t need to keep
it hidden or secret, and you can be encouraged as
he or she recognizes your efforts on the company’s
[JimYoungquist with some special help fromNila Smith]
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