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Paint is an excellent example of cost versus quality decisions that homeowners must face.

There are gallons of paint at some stores as low as $8.00 and other types and brands at other stores as high as $40.00 per gallon. To be sure, some of that fluctuation is due to retailer’s merchandising decisions but a great deal of the difference in paint cost is due to the actual quality of the paint.

A gallon of paint is made from a formula of various ingredients. The most important is pigments. Pigments, besides providing color offer hiding power and thicken the paint for a heavier application coat.

All paints include binders. These binders are what help keep the pigment together and helps with adhesion of the paint to a surface.

Another important component of paint is the liquid or the medium in which all other additives are suspended. In the case of latex paints, the medium is water. It is this important information that will explain to you why one gallon of paint might cost so much less or more than another.

If you look at the back of a paint can, you will be advised what percentage of the gallon is water, binder, pigment, plus what other additives are included.

You will notice that cheaper paints have a greater amount of water and less pigment than the more expensive paints and that is why they are cheaper.

Don’t be fooled by brand name. In many cases a paint manufacturer makes a lesser grade of their paint for distribution at other chain stores under of brand names.

Remember that the better the paint, the better the coverage and the longer it will be before you have to paint that area again.

  [Mike Fak]

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