Christmas trivia quiz
Test your knowledge with these Christmas Trivia
questions. The answers will be found at the end
of the article.
There are a few movies that have become holiday
classics, the “must see” films that continue to
return year after year. How well do you know
those movies? Test your knowledge on these two.
Which of these quotes is from the movie
Miracle on 34th Street?
a.) “He never got his picture on bubble gum
cards, did he? Have you ever seen his picture on
a bubble gum card? Hmmm? How can you say
someone is great who’s never had his picture on
bubble gum cards?”
b.) “Uh, since the United States Government
declares this man to be Santa Claus, this court will
not dispute it. Case dismissed.”
c.) “You’ll shoot your eye out kid!”
“It’s a Wonderful Life” is the long-told story of
the effect one man’s life has on the balance of his
community. We watch it with tissue in hand, as
we know all the funny parts and all the sad parts.
But do you see the whole picture, the finer details
of the movie? If so, this question should be easy
for you!
Which president’s picture hangs in the living
room of George Bailey’s home?
How well do you know your Christmas songs?
Can you answer these simple questions?
How many times does Santa check his list?
What do Janice and Jen want for Christmas
in the song “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like
trivia and fun facts
The Christmas season as we celebrate it today, in the big picture, has only been around for
a few years. The first celebrations held before the birth of Christ were pagan holidays that
celebrated the beginning of winter. One such holiday observed by the Roman Empire was
Saturnalia. It was a celebration honoring Saturn, the god of the harvest. In the western
world, the birth of Christ has been celebrated on December 25th since 354 A.D. The
celebration was created in the hopes of replacing the pagan god worship with a religious
observance. In 1645, Christmas was banned in England
as it was deemed to be a
celebration of indulgence. In America, Christmas was not recognized as a federal
holiday until 1870.
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