2015 Farm Outlook Magazine - page 12

12 March 26, 2015 2015 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News.com
In summary, lobbyists and lawmakers in various
nations have been able to enact legislation in
opposition to GMOs, but they are far less effective
in actually keeping GMOs out of the marketplace.
It remains to be seen whether the basic principles
of supply and demand will triumph over the
resistance to biotechnology in global agriculture.
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural
Development. 2007. Economic impact of
unapproved GMOs on EU feed imports and
livestock production.
Field trials and tribulations—making sense of
the regulations for experimental field trials of
transgenic crops in Europe Sonia Go´ mez-Galera,
Richard M. Twyman , Penelope A.C. Sparrow ,
Bart Van Droogenbroeck , Rene´ Custers , Teresa
Capell, and Paul Christou
Vigani, Mauro; Olper, Alessandro (2012) : GMO
Standards, Endogenous Policy and the Market for
Information, LICOS Discussion Paper, No. 306
Nicholas Boring. Restrictions on Genetically
Modified Organism: France.
Story by Angela Reiners
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