Page 10 - 2012 business directory

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2012 Logan County Business Directory An LDN Publication April 1, 2012
Colleges/ Schools
Civic Organizations continued
Community Action
Partnership of
Central Illinois
1800 Fifth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Office: 217-732-2159
Toll Free: 877-588-7189
Lincoln Logan County
Chamber of Commerce
Andi Hake, Executive Director
1555 Fifth Street
Lincoln, IL 62656
Office: 217-735-2385
Fax: 217-735-9205
Lincoln Police Department
Ken Greenslate, Police Chief
911 Pekin Street
Lincoln, IL 62656
Office: 217-732-2151
Cell: 217-737-7669
Global Tech Training LLC
203 S. Logan Street
Lincoln, IL 62656
Office: 217-650-7652
Cell: 217-737-7842
Heartland Community College
620 Broadway Street
Lincoln, IL 62656
Office: 217-735-1731
Fax: 217-735-1352