2025 Spring Farm Magazine

Page 46 2025 Logan County Spring Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 2025 Other things Morrow has learned are how to write a resume, how to write professional emails correctly and how to write a sponsor letter. As section president Morrow has to keep up with chapters through emails about section spotlights or timelines for Illinois FFA. She also has to enter all the results for each LDE and CDE once the teacher sends them to her. Morrow and others have been putting together a tub of items to be passed on to future section officers, so they don’t have to continue to buy items for Leadership Training School. Morrow’s Favorite parts of her role At the FFA National Convention, Morrow served as a flagbearer at the opening ceremony. When she went up with the flag and Illinois was announced, Morrow said it was amazing to hear all the cheers from everyone from Illinois. For Morrow, hearing from a man who climbed Mt. Everest two times was another highlight of the FFA National Convention. Though there is an FFA advisor, Morrow enjoys the flexibility the advisor allows students to have in planning events. Working on bringing forth the FFA blue and gold spirit and seeing the participation of her FFA chapter in events are other highlights for Morrow. Something else Morrow has enjoyed is meeting important people in the agriculture industry and various representatives. For instance, at one event, Morrow met United States Senator Tammy Duckworth and Director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture Jerry Costello. During these past several months, Morrow has had two television interviews and will soon do a radio interview. She said these interviews have helped her with public speaking. “Balance” is Morrow’s core value word this year. Morrow has so much going on, she is either laughing or crying due to stress from all the work she has to do. Becoming more organized and making lists is something Morrow wants to work on. She has to balance her section duties with schoolwork, keeping up grades, staying healthy, taking care of her pet rabbit and spending time with family. Last year, Morrow’s word was “believe” because she wanted to work on having a more positive mindset. Connections have been helpful as Morrow has met many people in the agricultural industry. These have provided her with opportunities such as talking with an EPA employee about the Avian bird flu. Since Morrow wants to go into the agriculture field, knowing these people will be helpful. Being section president has provided Morrow room for growth and leadership since much of the planning is on the student. Her FFA advisor has told Morrow she has matured from serving in this role. In May, Morrow will graduate from LCHS, and she plans to go into the agriculture field. Her time as FFA section president is providing her with many skills that will help her in the future. [Angela Reiners]