Page 44 2025 Logan County Spring Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 2025 FFA. She said they talked to those in FFA about participating in Career Development Events and Leadership Development Events. One session done by one of the major officers was for the Greenhands who are new to FFA and talked about how to work with people you don’t agree with. At the dinner on the final night of Leadership Training School, FFA State Officer Owen Torrance talked about embracing failure because it is on the path to success. November also was the month Morrow attended the FFA board meeting. In December, Morrow mostly attended section meetings but also participated in Career Development Events. She said these events include sessions of poultry judging, livestock judging, horse judging and food science. At the end of January, Morrow will participate in a Ground Zero Conference for freshmen. There, she will help the students learn leadership qualities and share other information they can take back to their FFA chapter. She said so many students have been attending these conferences may add a fourth Ground Zero Conference next year. National FFA week will be in February and Morrow will help with that at LCHS. There will be ag fact Friday videos during the month, too. In the spring, Morrow will help with district proficiencies. Other spring events include the FFA awards banquet Morrow will help plan. A video call for section officers is coming up soon. Additionally, Morrow has more state officer meetings, board meetings and section meetings and will attend more career development and leadership events. At the meetings, Morrow said they will assist in planning for the Illinois FFA State Convention. The section presidents will be helping with meetings and anything else that is needed. Morrow will be leading her section through voting processes and answer questions at the business sessions. Additional Activities Morrow has participated in During the summer, Morrow had an interview to become an FFA national delegate to represent the state of Illinois. Though Morrow was not chosen to be a delegate, she was able to fill in as an alternate at one of the events helping with a voting session. Other activities Morrow has participated in include several dinners where she met people in the farm industry. As part of the FFA National Convention, there was a day of community service. Morrow helped one group mulch trees in a large graveyard. She said one of the trees was one of the oldest ones in Indianapolis. At one Ground Zero Conference Morrow led a group. This conference is for middle schoolers to give them an introduction to FFA. Through Leadership Development events, Morrow has learned parliamentary procedure and how to run a meeting. Continued --