Page 40 2025 Logan County Spring Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 2025 LCHS Senior Kristy Morrow shares her memories and experiences as the 2024-25 FFA Section 14 President This year, Kristy Morrow, a senior at Lincoln Community High School, is serving as the FFA Section 14 President. With over 41,000 FFA members in Illinois, being chosen as one of 25 section presidents to serve in this role is quite an honor. FFA Section 14 covers Logan County, Sangamon County, Menard County and part of Cass County. The five FFA sections are split into five Illinois districts. Morrow said at the FFA section banquet, once she was chosen to be section president, she had to give a speech and fill out a form with her name and other information. Morrow’s role as Section 14 President really started out at the FFA State convention, where she was sworn in then had training on what she would be doing in this role. Soon, Morrow had to prepare for summer activities. The role of president requires Morrow to travel with the FFA state team and attend monthly state officer meetings. There are five major officers and the 25 section presidents. She is also in charge of a Group Leadership Congress and has helped with the FFA policy book. At the meetings, they discuss topics like public speaking, how to control a team and how to conduct a workshop. Morrow said it is also important to keep up on agricultural issues. Meetings Morrow has attended include a time to debrief, do reflections and have some kind of training. Since Morrow began serving as Illinois FFA section president, she has participated in various agriculture related activities every month. In July, Morrow and other officers met at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, where they had training on things like Ag in the classroom and working on FFA workbooks. The next activity in July was a trip to Washington, D.C. While there, Morrow said they visited the Capitol and places like John Deere. They connected with important people in the farm industry. While visiting the Capitol, they also talked with some Representative’s legislative assistants. They met someone from Illinois who was there for the National Corn Conference and talked about major issues like renewing the farm bill. Next up for Morrow and other section presidents was FFA Leadership Camp. There they had training on leadership of chapters but also had fun activities like dances. One of Morrow’s favorite parts of camp was reflection Continued --