Page 30 2025 Logan County Spring Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 2025 From the Heartland Course Catalog: “AGRI 163: UAS Certification and Operations in Agriculture “Prerequisite(s) - There are no formal prerequisites or placement testing requirements for this course “This course offers in-depth preparation for students to take the FAA Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) Aeronautical Knowledge test. Topics include regulations, airspace and airspace operations, weather, loading and performance, maintenance, airport operations, emergency procedures, and aeronautical decision making. Students develop knowledge and skills needed to manage and operate small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), also known as drones, through hands-on flight activities such as, mission planning and preparation, launch and recovery operations, and emergency procedures. Through use of local, national, and global case studies students investigate use of drones in agriculture.” So, are drones going to be the future of the agricultural landscape? Probably, for at least a while until something better comes along and who knows when or what that may be. [Nila Smith] Sources: FAA - PART 107—SMALL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS subchapter-F/part-107 Welcome to the Next Generation of Agricultural Drones - Modern Farmer Demand for swarming agricultural spray drones rising in US | Commercial UAV News demand-for-swarming-agricultural-spraydrones-rising-in-us Sun Ag hosts Drone Days for area high schools – Album May/11/Features/picturepage051324_SUNAG. shtml Using Drones in Agriculture and Natural Resources | NIFA using-drones-agriculture-natural-resources Drones for Spraying Pesticides— Opportunities and Challenges | Ohioline