2025 Spring Farm Magazine

Page 24 2025 Logan County Spring Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 2025 without access to the machine’s software and code” is a false notion. She also cites that there have been instances where farmers have been injured or killed because of modified equipment, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). An alternative solution that Successful Farming proposes in their article is R2R Solutions. R2R Solutions is an online resource that provides farmers with similar access to information that tools like John Deere’s ADVISOR provides. To learn more about R2R, you can visit their website here. How is this going to affect the farmers of Logan County? Depending on where you are in the county it could affect you a lot or a little. According to the location finder on John Deere’s website, there is one certified dealer in Logan County. This is AHW LLC in New Holland. If your farmland is in or near New Holland, getting your agricultural equipment in to be serviced is not going to be nearly as far of a trek as if your farm is in Beason. The time you are waiting for your equipment to be repaired can also vary greatly, with simple fixes being able to be completed in a day, and more complex problems requiring days or weeks to resolve. Where you fall on this issue likely comes down to how much control you would like to have over the repairs of your equipment. Do you want to have access to a tool that can help you diagnose more specific issues on your farming equipment, or would you rather leave that to someone else. However you may feel about this issue, the lawsuit is moving forward, and the jury is still out on the ruling. [Matt Boutcher] Sources: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/ press-releases/2025/01/ftc-states-sue-deerecompany-protect-farmers-unfair-corporatetactics-high-repair-costs https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64206913 https://www.deere.com/en/parts-and-service/ manuals-and-training/customer-serviceadvisor/+ https://www.fb.org/issue/right-to-repair https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/ deere-lina-khan-statement-final.pdf https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/ deere-ferguson-dissent-final.pdf https://www.agriculture.com/news/machinery/ farmers-who-own-modern-equipment-canstill-perform-95-of-repairs-on-their-own https://r2rsolutions.org/