Excellence In Education Lincoln Daily News January 2025 Page 35 Tier 2 needs to be undone. There is no way around it. It can be reworked, it can be modified, but there is so much wrong with it, I am not sure that any modifications can truly right all the wrongs. First, Tier 2 educators need to be allowed to retire earlier than 67, or 62 with severe penalties. No one is going to want to get into a job as difficult as teaching if they know this is where the road will drop them off in retirement. Second, Tier 2 educators must be offered a more equitable monthly retirement benefit when compared to their Tier 1 counterparts. No one wants to be told that, after working for as long and as hard as someone else, that they just are not worth as much. Third, don’t just listen to me. I’m just some teacher that has done his research, but may have missed a beat or two. There are thousands of other teacher voices that need to be listened to when it comes to this matter and what needs to be fixed. Reach out to the teachers and schools that you represent. Talk to the people there about what they feel needs to be changed, and listen when they tell you. This is a touchy subject that most do not have mild opinions on, so understand if they get angry, it’s not at you, it’s at the situation. Understand that there is a need for one of the most underappreciated jobs in this country. We need a win, and you can help give us a chance at getting that win. So, once more, I implore you, undo Tier 2. Matthew Boutcher [Matt Boutcher has been a stringer with Lincoln Daily News since 2023 while also teaching full time at Lincoln Junior High School. The Tier 2 topic is one that is near and dear to his heart. Regardless of how the reader may feel about this article, LDN believes the information presented is timely, accurate and important. We invite readers to form their own opinions derived from honest and accurate information.]