Page 64 2025 Animal Stories Lincoln Daily News February 2025 Kitty Korner Little Starlight steals the spotlight at Lincoln Farm & Home This is the first year for the Kitty Korner category in the annual Animal Stories Pet Contest. And how fitting is it that for a new category, the winner was a “new” kitty. Starlight, owned by Terra Gail, is only eight weeks old, and was about half that age when Gail took his picture and submitted it for the contest. He was an instant winner with the judges and the center of attention when he visited Farm and Home Supply in Lincoln to collect his prize. Gail said it was Starlight’s first time out of the house, and his first ride in a car. He handled both very well. He was also very gracious with all the people at the store who wanted to rub him behind the ears (the equivalent of pinching a baby’s cheeks some say). Gail has had Starlight since birth as his mamma is a member of the family as well. Bob Rankin with Farm and Home Supply presented Starlight and Gail with a $50 gift card for the store while Karen Castelein of Lincoln Daily News gave them a LDN swag bag.