2024 Spring Home & Garden

Page 9 2024 Spring Home and Garden LINCOLN DAILY NEWS April 2024 Dr. Kim’s list, like most childproofing lists you’ll find, is extensive, and should definitely be read (Childproofing Checklist: 20 Tips from an ER Doctor (babylist.com)) for yourself. The website What to Expect also has an extensive list, but this one, like the Pampers list mentioned previously, is broken down by room of your house. Lists such as these help to navigate the vast amount of information available on baby proofing to find the room you are working on. One of these rooms, the nursery, may be one of, if not the most important rooms to baby proof, as the entire purpose of the room is to have the baby in it. What to Expect recommends things such as having an open top toy box to reduce the risk of pinched fingers, and cordless window blinds to eliminate the risk of strangulation on the blinds’ cords. All in all, there is too much information on baby proofing to recount in this article, but here are a few final tips. Go through each room of your house and baby proof them one at a time. While there are whole house issues that should be addressed, such as smoke/ carbon monoxide detectors and outlets, taking on the task in this manner will help you stay organized and reduce the likelihood that you will miss something. Secondly, use your common sense as a parent. There may be things that you may not think of when baby proofing your own home, but you know your child better than anyone else. Address the issues you think are the most hazardous to your child first. A parent’s intuition is a powerful thing. Lastly, make sure to do research for yourself as well, seeking out credible sources such as articles written by doctors or trusted brands. The amount of information on baby proofing available to the average person is absolutely overbearing. Finding several trusted sources is the way to go. Also, don’t discount the experience of friends and family that have already raised kids. Someone who has already been through the headache of baby proofing might just be the best source of advice and inspiration. Keep a sharp eye on your child and learn everything you can to help you in your effort of keeping them safe. [Matt Boutcher] Resources: 1.https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/arnold_ palmer_386349 2.https://www.pampers.com/en-us/baby/ parenting-life/article/baby-proofing-your-home 3.https://www.babylist.com/hello-baby/doctorchildproofing-checklist 4.https://www.whattoexpect.com/nurserydecorating/childproofing-basics.aspx#nursery 5.https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/ reviews/best-baby-gate/