2024 Spring Home & Garden

Page 7 2024 Spring Home and Garden LINCOLN DAILY NEWS April 2024 at regular intervals, etc. As soon as your little bundle of joy realizes that the four limbs they have can be used to crawl, however, the task of keeping them safe becomes anything but simple. This becomes even more true when your child realizes they only need the bottom two of those limbs to move around. Once your child learns about the amazing concept known as “running,” all bets are off. If these are thoughts you’ve had, whether you are a parent, are expecting, or are just thinking about what being a parent would look like, then read on. One of the earliest things you can do to start baby proofing your home is to make sure that you have all of the proper detectors. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are two of the most common and needed, according to Pampers’ baby proofing checklist. They encourage readers to check these devices each month and, of course, change the batteries regularly. Electrical outlets are also very important to baby proof. Outlets are a source of many potential hazards like fires and electrocution. Children should never be left unattended near open outlets, or even ones with things plugged into them. According to Pampers, “children love to stick their tiny fingers and toys into any small spaces they can find.” Seeing as how the outlets in the average home are not far off the ground, this can be a problem as early as your child beginning to crawl. Outlet covers are readily available to buy at most retailers and are simple to install, only requiring them to be plugged into the wall. These covers can be nearly impossible for children to remove. In addition to these covers that plug directly into the outlet, you can also purchase a box that covers the entire outlet. This allows you to keep your electrical items plugged in and your child out. This is a more expensive option and requires more time to install. These boxes keep your child from unplugging whatever is plugged in themselves. If this is a problem you’re having, or just something you don’t want to have to contend with, consider this option. Another common issue you may have across your home is the threat of furniture toppling over if it is knocked into. Many children develop the ability to run before they are able to be fully aware of their surroundings, making this threat very real for any family with tall or wobbly furniture. China hutches, bookcases, or televisions are all hazards. The website Babylist has an article on childproofing written by Seran Kim, an ER Physician. Dr. Kim lists this as her third suggestion to childproof your home. Continued --