2024 Spring Home & Garden

Page 36 2024 Spring Home and Garden LINCOLN DAILY NEWS April 2024 (aka rotten eggs) as an animal repellant. If you don’t like the idea of cutting up or slicing rotten eggs, then using eggshells in your garden will help deter slugs and beetles, as long as they remain dry. The crushed eggshells have calcium and can provide nutrients and help balance the pH of the soil. Another quite easy and cheap way to deter insects and critters from around a garden is to save your hair! The next time you go to get your hair cut, do it without having your stylist wash your hair. Or if you lose a lot of hair and your hairbrush looks like a long-haired hamster in your drawer, then this is a good excuse for you to clean those hairbrushes and scatter them around the garden or put them into a stocking or netted bag and hang. Unwashed human or pet hair will give off a human scent to fool prey like deer, rabbits, and snails into thinking that danger is near. However, be careful and make sure it is dirty, unwashed hair, because some shampoos will linger on the hair strand, and it can attract certain pests. Your house is your shrine and should reflect your love for landscaping and nature, no matter how much or how little you can afford or have the time to do it. Just choose plants wisely, keep them trimmed and away from the foundation, and enjoy as much of a pest-free oasis as you can. [Jay Ruppel]