2024 Paint the Paper Pink Magazine

Page 25 2024 PAINT THE PAPER PINK Lincoln Daily News Oct/Nov 2024 tables, fold all the chairs, pick up all the trash and move back in all the parts and wrecked cars that were hauled out earlier in the day. They work very hard and it is not said often enough or loud enough how their efforts are appreciated. It is also not mentioned often enough or loud enough that the Logan County Fair Board happily loans the auction all the tables needed for the evening, and for the past two years, Don Peasley with Peasley Funeral Homes has provided those wonderfully comfortable padded chairs that guests enjoy during the auction. Another group that is unsung is the staff from Illinois American Water, who for the last several years have gone to the fairground and loaded up the 40 plus tables needed and delivers them to Collision and helps unload them. The following morning they return to Collision and gather those tables up and return them to the fairground. Continued --