2024 Hometown Heroes Magazine

Page 32 2024 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS June/July 2024 NHM school had an open house where former students and their families came to express their gratitude towards Mr. Neisler's dedication to teaching and then followed up with a dinner at a restaurant for his family where he received a plaque with his years of service. Approximately 130 friends, family, coworkers, and current and former students also had a ‘roast’ for Mr. Neisler on June 1st where they had pictures, cards, videos, and stories from days past. Jerry Neisler - because you followed your dream for the past thirty-six years, you have changed, motivated, inspired, and showed others how to believe in, live out, and chase their dreams. A great big “Thank You” to Mr. Neisler for following through with his dream of becoming a teacher and showing Logan County what a true hometown hero looks like! Mr. Neisler with the current teachers at NH-M