2024 Hometown Heroes Magazine

2024 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS June/July 2024 Page 25 Purple Heart. Because of his injury Armin was with his unit when it was deployed to Normandy. After “THE ABBEY”, Armin’s services took him through Naples, Foggia -Arno, and the liberation of Rome. Armin received the American Theater Ribbon, European-Africa- Middle Eastern Ribbon with W/2 Bronze battle stars. Upon his return to the states Armin married Vivian Wise of Jacksonville and became a funeral director and ambulance driver for 30 years. He never once volunteered to tell his military history to me, his son. When asked he would merely say he put bandages on wounded soldiers. If he told my other brother or sisters anything different I am not aware of it. Armin died in 1986. Vivian died in 2008. It is at that time our family found his history, story, and military German Lugar and Italian 380 Barrett pistol. During his time as a funeral director Armin made many funeral arrangements for Veterans. Nathan Fricke, Armin’s grandson, years later was making funeral arrangements for a veteran with his three daughters. He asked if they wanted a military service. They answered with a “No” as dad never mentioned his time in the service so he must not feel extremely proud of his time in the service. Upon reading that veterans DD 214, Honorable Discharge, he was at Normandy, The Battle of The Bulge, and three other major battles. I’m embarrassed to say I should have prodded or asked more questions of my father and other veterans Their stories are worth the effort! My father is no more a hero to the world than a million other veterans, but he does stand out amongst our family. Being asked to share his diary and pictures is enough reward to us after 80 years.. Submitted by Charles and Penny Fricke May 28, 2024 Armin Fricke receives his first Purple Heart pinned by Col. Maxwell at camp base Corsica after being blinded trying to assist fellow soldiers who had been gassed