2024 Home for the Holidays Magazine

Page 52 2024 Home For The Holidays Lincoln Daily News I love carrying on this tradition with my own children and hearing the discussions of “Oh I think that one is mine!” just as my brothers and I did growing up. Jeff Wyles My favorite Christmas memory is more like a still frame in my head. On Christmas morning my brothers and I typically woke my parents up well before 6 a.m. It never failed that we would get a call from the grandparents before 7 a.m. Grandpa Awe was ready to see his boys. We would quickly fi nish opening presents, climb in the car and head to town. The minute we arrived at my grandparents’ house there would be a Polaroid camera shoved in our faces and gifts shoved in our laps. What I remember most about those mornings was my grandpa cooking Brown ‘N Serve sausage links. He would be at the stove, no shirt, cigarette in his mouth and spatula in hand. That image has been stuck in my head since I was very young. My grandfather passed away in 1990 when I was 10 years old. Christmas hasn’t been the same since, but when I need a happy thought around the holidays, I make some sausage links. The staff and stringers of Lincoln Daily News