2024 Health & Wellness Magazine

Lincoln Daily News 2024 Health & Wellness Magazine Pg.5 Lee’s provider to the need for bypass surgery. Ruth, Lee’s wife of 61 years and a retired RN, supported the idea of regular cardiac rehab workouts. Lee joked that she likes to get him out of the house. “The main thing is that I’m still going at this age,” he said. “I feel pretty good about it.” Penny McIntosh, RN, and Paula Snodgrass, RN, are the two Lee mentioned who work for the cardiac rehab program at LMH. They, too, appreciate the expanded area because it has allowed them to serve more patients. They especially enjoy the ongoing relationships with patients who come in regularly to complete their cardiac rehab workouts. “Lee came over to the new facility with us,” said Penny. “He’s here before 6 a.m., before me most days! It feels great to have a patient like that. They become friends because they are a part of our lives for so long. They are just family. That’s the perk of this job.” Paula agreed. “Lee is totally faithful, comes three days a week no matter the weather! If I said 5:30 a.m., he’d be there,” she added laughing. “He’s an amazing 85-year-old, and he’s never had another cardiac issue.” Benefits of cardiac rehab for most patients include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, helping with weight management, strengthening the heart muscle and overall longevity. The Lincoln Memorial Foundation helped fund equipment in the room, which includes all types of recumbent bikes for different activity levels as well as treadmills, ellipticals and other machines. “We tell people ‘Move it or lose it,’” Paula said. “This facility helps keep people going. The outpatient experience is wonderful. I have the best job in town as a nurse.”