CLASS OF 2024 LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.COM MAY / JUNE 2024 Page 67 addressing the transfer and graduation acceleration needs of the students. He helped fulfill the school’s obligations to state, federal and accrediting bodies while devoting considerable attention to the emotional and spiritual well-being of the students, faculty and staff during a time of great adversity. Dr. Messner lives the loyalty, faithfulness and care of a servant leader. Dr. Roberts has led the efforts of Ozark Christian College to secure necessary approvals for the continuation of Lincoln Christian Seminary as Lincoln Seminary at Ozark Christian College. Dr. Roberts’ work has been marked by selfless perseverance in helping others. It has also ensured and expanded access to Restoration Movement graduate theological education, providing a pathway forward for [LCU’s] non-graduating seminary students, while helping establish a living legacy for Lincoln Christian Seminary. Dr. McCormick then introduced speakers Ellie Koranek, an LCU graduate who was receiving her Master of Divinity and Dr. Mark Scott, Lead Minister at Park Plaza Christian Church. Over the past two years, Dr. McCormick said Koranek has led the small but incredibly faithful band of local students around campus who have conducted weekly worship gatherings. Dr. McCormick said this group has made the season of LCU far better than he could have hoped for because of their deep care for each other and for us (the faculty and staff). LCU graduate Dr. Mark Scott has served at Park Plaza Christian Church since 2021 and has ministered in various churches in Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, and Colorado since 1972. In addition to his ministry in churches, Dr. Scott has served in higher education for over 40 years. He taught Preaching and New Testament at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri from 1983 until 2011 and served as the college’s Academic Dean. Dr. Scott next pursued a ministry position at Mountainview Christian Church in Highlands Ranch Colorado from 2011 until 2014. From 2014 until 2021, Dr. Scott returned to Ozark to serve as Professor of Preaching and New Testament. Dr. Scott also did adjunct teaching at LCU for several years. Dr. Scott graduated from Ozark Christian College in 1976 then earned a Master of Divinity degree from Lincoln Christian Seminary in 1983 and Doctor of Ministry degree from Denver Seminary in 2006. Besides writing for several publications and having a regular column in the Christian Standard, Dr. Scott has also contributed chapters to numerous books and written several books. His most recent book is Letting