2024 Fall Home and Garden Magazine

Page 31 Fall Home & Garden | September 2024 Lincoln Daily News do, forgot to do, or wished they had done. Of course, you may not fall into every category, but it’s good to get input, suggestions and directions from others that live this type of lifestyle. If you do not have any close resources, there are thousands of articles and groups on-line and books at your local library, senior center, or thrift store. Say you have your truck/trailer, the map circled on your desired location, or the gas tank filled, or the plane ticket is in hand, what’s next? You can’t just hop in the car or on the plane and take off, there are a few more things that you need to do to ensure you have a home to come back to. Here is a general list to get you thinking about your particular home and how to set yourself up for a more enjoyable time away. • Investing a few hundred dollars in a camera system that is controlled by your cell phone might be a good idea. This will allow you to see who is ringing the doorbell, who is coming in your back door and if any unknown packages are left. There are many options out there that will allow you to monitor your home without any monthly fees and is worth the peace of mind, whether you are gone for an extended period of time or just out for dinner. • Stop your mail and any newspapers, arrange to have someone pick them up daily, or have it forwarded to your temporary location. • Store all your outside patio furniture inside a shed or house. • Invest in a timer that will turn your inside and outside house lights on and off and regulate the temperature in the house. This will detract any curious visitors. • Make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are operational. If you have a camera system that alerts your phone, you will be able to call for additional help even while away. • Unplug all devices such as TVs, counter appliances, and computers, empty out and disconnect your washer and dryer, and have a surge protector on all items that must remain plugged in. • Turn off your water to the house. The last thing you want to worry about is a broken pipe while you are away. Set your water heater to vacation mode or a lower setting to conserve energy. • Call your trash company to make arrangements, stop service (check fees), or have a neighbor/relative use the trash can to put out as to appear status quo. • Call your gas company and inquire about turning off gas to your house. This may not be an option if your furnace is gas. Make sure you shut off and disconnect all your propane tanks to grills and outside equipment. • Clean out your gutters, chimney, and trim any branches hanging over the house if applicable. This will help prevent water