2024 Fall Home and Garden Magazine

Page 10 Fall Home & Garden | September 2024 Lincoln Daily News and outside of the house. This one contains colchicine and other alkaloids that are toxic to people and pets and can cause oral irritation, vomiting, shock, and organ damage. Morning Glory – These vining annuals are filled with attractive flowers but can cause vomiting in pets when ingested and can cause diarrhea to hallucinations in humans. Yew – This isn’t a common shrub, but many will use this outside as landscaping, and it resembles an evergreen bush with bright red berries. However, every part of this plant is toxic causing muscle tremors or sudden death in animals and breathing difficulties, dizziness, and convulsions in humans. What makes it the scariest with these plants is that you may not know exactly what is planted in your yard, especially if you just moved in or the previous owner, or neighbor has already planted these types of shrubs or flowers. It might be a nice border to that driveway, or that flower really fills in nicely next to that shed or that’s the only thing that could be grown under that tree. But be aware, do your homework and make the best possible list of plants, trees, shrubs, and flowers already in your yard or in your neighbor’s yard and plan accordingly when landscaping. Because the truth be known, you cannot watch every pet and every child every moment of the day and you need to have that list of plants inside and out in case they become violently ill so that treatment may not be so difficult. [JA Hodgdon-Ruppel]