2024 Fall Farm Outlook

Page 20 2024 Fall Farm Outlook Lincoln Daily News Oct 2024 and be sure that you have the best financing options. They also state that assets that are going to be long-term, such as farmland, “are best afforded by taking out long-term debt that is repaid over the course of years.” Short-term debt, on the other hand, is best paid in cash. These may include things such as farm machinery or livestock. They also include links to give their readers access to more resources regarding livestock tending, farm operating loans, and farm equipment financing. While there are four more pieces of advice that this BTC article includes, there is not enough room to review them here. To see the other pieces of advice, see their article here. Financing a farm can be a very difficult venture, or it can be fairly easy. It all depends on the size of the farm you are looking to operate. The larger the farm, the more difficult the start up. So long as one is wise about it, they can not only get into the agricultural industry, but thrive once there. [Matt Boutcher] Reources: https://www.agriculture.com/how-much-doesit-take-to-become-a-farmer-7521627 https://qtbizsolutions.com/2021/04/12/howmuch-does-it-cost-to-start-a-farm/ https://www.rural1st.com/locations/illinois https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-andservices/farm-loan-programs/farm-ownershiploans/index https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-andservices/farm-loan-programs/farm-ownershiploans/index https://btcbank.bank/about/7tips-for-better-farm-financialmanagement#:~:text=Keeping%20 business%20finances%20separate%20 from,your%20home%20and%20ranch%20 finances