Page 144 Lincoln Daily News 2024 Logan County Fair Jul/Aug 2024 Scrambles night at the Logan County Fair cant be hampered by a wet track Halfway through fair week, the 4-H scrambles allow children a chance to blow off some steam while they scramble to catch an animal. In the scrambles children are organized by age groups and work to catch different sizes and types of animals turned loose. With the rain in the morning, the scrambles had to be moved into the livestock show barn on the north end of the Logan County Fairground, which made for tight quarters. Before the scrambles, LDN’s own Lesleigh Bennett sang the National Anthem. The announcers were Reagan Tibbs and Jayden Lawrence. New fair royalty Queen Abbie, Junior Miss Sophia and Little Miss Olivia were also on hand to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H pledge. Soon it was time for the chickens to be released from a big cage. Sixteen youngsters between the ages of five and seven scurried around trying to catch one of the eight chickens. As usual, it was often a challenge as the chickens dodged back and forth to avoid capture. With persistence, all the chickens were finally caught. Each child was given a goodie bag after catching a chicken and the lucky child who caught the golden rooster received a five dollar bill. Next, twelve youngsters between the ages of eight and ten tried to rope one of the six sly goats scrambling around the track. Some wrestled with the goat as they tried to get a rope around it. Twelve pre-teens and young teens between the age of ten and fifteen attempted to catch pigs lathered up with conditioner by the newly crowned fair royalty. Participant’s arms are covered with soap suds to make it even more tricky. Continued --