2024 Animal Stories Magazine

Page 16 2024 Animal Stories Lincoln Daily News February 2024 By Angela Reiners In November 2022, Willow Merritt got a service dog named Aspen, which has help her immensely. How it all began Seven-year-old Willow often struggles with feeling calm due to a sensory processing disorder. Willow lives with her mom Jodie, dad John and older sister Aera. Her mother Jodie said Willow enjoys activities like climbing anything she can, playing soccer and tumbling. Willow also enjoys going to school, spending time with grandparents and playing games with family. However, activities that involve being in crowded places can cause Willow great stress. Since Willow was an infant, one coping mechanism has been pulling out her hair. In recent years, she was diagnosed with Trichotillomania, which is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition as a “hair pulling disorder currently classified under ObsessiveCompulsive and Related Disorders.” Therapies have helped Willow in various areas, but unfortunately, none had reduced her hair pulling. How Aspen and Willow are growing up together healthier and happier Then one day a couple years ago, the family was at a flea market, one of Willow’s least favorite places. Willow saw a woman and her dog standing near them and calmly asked if she could pet the dog. The lady quickly said yes. Before the Merritt’s knew it, Willow was lying in the Standard Poodle’s thick fur. Her parents said it was the most relaxed they had seen Willow act in a crowd. Willow stayed that way for about ten minutes and the owner encouraged her to relax as the rest of the family enjoyed the flea market stands nearby. Finally, the Merritts told Willow it was time to let the owner enjoy the flea market, but Jodie said Willow had a completely different demeanor after the experience. Later in the day, the family saw the dog again and the owner told Willow she could pet the dog some more. Jodie started talking to the owner, and found out that the dog, named Truly, was a retired service dog. The woman told Jodie she could tell by Truly and Willow’s connection there was something special about Willow. Upon hearing Willow’s story, Truly’s owner said she believed a service dog could be a huge help to Willow. As the family walked away, Jodie said she and John both thought: “this encounter was not a coincidence.” A special bond between a little girl and her service dog Continued --