2023 Light Up A Life

Page 4 Light Up A Life A Publication of Lincoln Memorial Foundation Dec 2023/Jan 2024 In Honor of Those Still Living 2023 Piper Leesman Keenan and Alexis Leesman Embeth Leesman Keenan and Alexis Leesman Louden Leesman Keenan and Alexis Leesman Robert Kinnunen Gary, Judy, and Vance Knauer Alyce Elson Jim, Jane, John, and Aly White Irene A. Westen L. Lance and Sharon J. McCormick Tim and Liana McCormick L. Lance and Sharon J. McCormick Members of Ladies Auxiliary Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Charlotte Lee Jean Lee David Seyfert Ruth Seyfert Peter Seyfert Ruth Seyfert Carol Seyfert Ricker Ruth Seyfert Sonny Karen Irwin Amy R. Kuhlman Sue Rehtmeyer Jason E. Kuhlman Sue Rehtmeyer Aiden Kuhlman Sue Rehtmeyer Colton Kuhlman Sue Rehtmeyer Wayne Sheley Sue Rehtmeyer Ryan Edgecombe Family Steven and Cathy Cosby Scott Hargis John and Karen Castelein Janet Shaw John and Karen Castelein John Guzzardo John and Karen Castelein Janet Cook John and Karen Castelein Kay Thompson Terrica and Bruce Buchholz Dorothy Fink Terrica and Bruce Buchholz Robert “Bub” Coers Tina Coers Family Theresa Schmidt Tina Coers Family Thomas Schmidt, Sr. Tina Coers Family Thomas Schmidt, Jr. Tina Coers Family Mary Coers Tina Coers Family Ralph Coers Tina Coers Family Catharine Knight Elaine Knight Dorothy Gleason Dennis and Marcia Schrader Margaret Bent - LMH Volunteer Kraig and Denise Sullivan, Sr. Linda Sullivan - LMH Volunteer Kraig and Denise Sullivan, Sr. Rhonda Shirley - LMH Colleague Kraig and Denise Sullivan, Sr. Jennifer Heidbreder - LMH Colleague Kraig and Denise Sullivan, Sr. Lois Leesman Keith and Charlise Leesman Stoltzenburg Grandchildren Gary and Anne Stoltzenburg Connie Dehner Becky Werth