2023 Light Up A Life

Page 35 Light Up A Life A Publication of Lincoln Memorial Foundation Dec 2023/Jan 2024 In Memory of Those Who Have Passed 2023 Ann Lohrenz Sandy and Lynn Aper Virginia Rohlfs Sandy and Lynn Aper Alvin Rohlfs Sandy and Lynn Aper Eleanor Gunderman Jo Anne Marliln Roberta Krusemark Harold Krusemark Lynn Krusemark Harold Krusemark Parents Sue Knight Grandparents Sue Knight Mrs. Mabel Bushell Kelly Ferreira and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Flo Bushell Kelly Ferreira and Family Robert W. Evelhoch Lincoln Lodge # 210 George R. Knowles Lincoln Lodge # 210 Ronald Ritchhart Lincoln Lodge # 210 William D. Rose Lincoln Lodge # 210 J. Michael Abbott J.M. Abbott & Associates, Ltd. James W. Abbott J.M. Abbott & Associates, Ltd. Donald L. Ragland Steve and Candy Buche and Family Bonnie D. Ragland Steve and Candy Buche and Family