2023 Home For The Holidays

Page 41 2023 Home For The Holidays Lincoln Daily News November 23, 2022 called a Kinara. There is a black candle in the middle with three red candles on the left and three green ones on the right. The black candle in the center is lit first, representing the principle of umoja. After the first candle, they are lit in alternating fashion left and right, starting inward and working outward. According to the African American Cultural Center, “the black [candle] is centered and lit first to stress the priority of the people.” The red candle is lit after to signify the importance of struggle. The green candle is lit third to represent the good future that is created in “righteous and relentless struggle.” The official Kwanzaa website shares some of the things that are done during Kwanzaa celebrations. This includes “feasts (karamu), music, dance, poetry, narratives” and ending the holiday with a day dedicated to reflecting on and recommitting to the Nguzo Saba. While there is no set menu to celebrate Kwanzaa, many families cook traditional African, Caribbean, and South American dishes. Where someone grew up contributes a lot to the items they choose to cook for the holiday. The sixth day of Kwanzaa is celebrated with a large feast called “Karamu.” In addition to food, dancing, poetry, etc., reflection is also a very important part of Kwanzaa. The NMAAHC states that, during Kwanzaa, “families and communities come together to share a feast, to honor the ancestors, affirm the bonds between them, and to celebrate African and African American culture.” For more on the seven principles of Kwanzaa, as well as suggestions of what to practice each day, you can find more information here. In an interview with Roland Martin, Dr. Karenga went into further detail about Kwanzaa and its cultural bases. Dr. Karenga Continued --