2023 Home For The Holidays

Page 11 2023 Home For The Holidays Lincoln Daily News November 23, 2022 The Holidays bring joy, togetherness, family, and friends, but for some people the holidays can be especially challenging. This time of year is known for family gatherings and each holiday season that passes marks the passage of time in our lives. The holiday season can be especially tough if you have experienced loss. The loss can be recent or have occurred some time ago, it can be the loss of a family member, a friend, a pet, or even the loss of a relationship. Grief and bereavement are universal, there is no rhyme or reason, pattern, or ultimate guide. When you lose someone special you lack the exuberance and joy in everyday life, let alone holidays and celebrations. It can be difficult to be happy at all. Here, you will find some tips and suggestions for letting your emotions guide you during the holidays. Rather than ignoring the pain of grief, try to incorporate the love you felt and still feel. Celebrate the life of your loved one. You may be surprised to find warmth and healing in unexpected places. Listen to Your Body and your Heart Pay close attention to your health when navigating the grieving process. You may be surprised to learn that grief surfaces physically as well as emotionally. The part of the brain associated with emotion and stress is activated during the grieving process. Grief can interrupt and even change the chemicals in your brain causing your immune system to be dysregulated. Although you may not feel like eating, it is important to eat healthy foods that nourish both your body and your mind. You will need extra rest during the grieving process and the holidays are often a time of hectic schedules. Be kind to yourself and allow for the rest you require. It is a good idea to seek the help of your healthcare provider. Your healthcare team can give you suggested menus, sleep schedules, and the resources to help you walk through the holiday season and beyond. Talk About Your Grief Swallowing your grief and pain won’t make it go away. Talking about your grief openly may make you feel better. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings during the holiday season. Spending as much time as possible with family and friends who love and support you. If it feels right for you to take some time to talk openly, then share some stories, memories, and photos. Surround Yourself with Support Inventory your friends and relatives and identify those who allow you to express your feelings without judgement. Attend holiday events with those people who understand that this can be a very difficult season for you and those who make accommodations for you to feel as comfortable as possible. Celebrate and remember with the ones who accept you at your best and at your lowest. Set Realistic Expectations No one expects you to attend every holiday gathering, grieving or not. Remember to be kind to yourself and take into account that maybe this year will be a little different. Think about the holiday responsibilities you’ve had in the past and decide if you’re still up to the task. Take others up on their offer to help. Sadness and feelings of grief can wear you down, making you more fatigued than normal. Listen to what your body is telling you. You may already feel stressed, so don’t overextend Continued --