2023 Fair Magazine

Page 154 2023 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JULY / AUGUST 2022 2023 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR Friday, August 04 By Nila Smith Friday morning was the second section of the Department O Dairy and Culinary judging, focusing on candies, snack foods and cakes. The day proved to be a boost to the confidence of several local cooks and bakers as their items took first place ribbons at the discretion of judge Brenda Silano. Silano, a Home Economics teacher was judging the Friday event for the second year in a row. Her style of judging is quiet and quick, making the large show last only a couple of hours. As she went along, Silano did share a couple of interesting facts in the cake category. For example, did you know that German Chocolate Cake is not an old-world recipe from the country of Germany? It’s true. The cake was the concoction of Samuel German in 1852 in the United States. German had developed a sweet chocolate that was lighter and with a milder taste than the original dark chocolates of the day. To help market his product he created the “German’s Sweet Chocolate Cake” recipe. Silano said later on, the apostrophe “s” was dropped, and the cake became German Sweet Chocolate Cake. And of course, today many people leave out the word “sweet” and simply refer to the cake with a lovely coconut and pecan filling as “German Chocolate Cake. Patty Huffer and Rose Harrold dominate at the Friday culinary judging The morning of judging began with the candies and snack foods, where Patty Huffer won three of the categories to dominate the first half of the day. Candies and Snack Food winners were: Peanut Cluster (no photo) Brooke Harnacke Peanut Brittle Carlene Carter (pictured left) with her sister Darlene Crider who won the carmel corn category Continued --