Education Magazine

Page 22 Excellence In Education Lincoln Daily News January 25, 2023 In addition, the district may utilize the funds for the purchase of technology products such as Chromebooks and robotics to be used for enrichment. Enrichment days take place on Tuesdays and tutoring takes place on Thursdays. Enrichment activities have included nature walks at Kickapoo Park, collaborating with Lincoln Memorial Health and participating in CATCH activities, STEM building, making bird feeders, and creating cards for the local nursing homes. The students were even able to have a hot air balloon pilot teach them about hot air balloons. This summer, the grant is going to add more field trips, as well as swimming lessons for students attending the YMCA. District #27 has enjoyed being able to collaborate with the Lincoln YMCA and add enrichment experiences for the students in the community. District #27 staff have made wonderful relationships with students at the YMCA and always look forward to enrichment and tutoring days.