Education Magazine

Excellence In Education Lincoln Daily News January 25, 2023 Page 19 By Principal Heather Baker New to the 2021-2022 school was an agriculture program lead by Mrs. Amy Naughton. Mrs. Naughton was raised on a swine farm in rural McLean. Her family still raises, shows and sells pigs. They also have 40 Angus cows that the family calves out and they sell freezer beef. Her family is very active in showing livestock on a state and national level. She taught High School Agriculture for seven years and during that time she had a very successful FFA program. She has helped students win proficiency awards and attain their State FFA degree all while serving as a judge for state and national student contests. The program is offered as an elective class for junior high students in fifth grade through eighth grade. A monthly class is included in curriculum for students in K through fifth grade. The program has expanded into 2022-2023 with the hope of a potential FFA Chapter coming soon. Topics covered in the new ag program include: 1). Where food comes from…farms/farmers. Discussed multiple vegetables and fruits ranging from pumpkins, lettuce, apples, and potatoes. 2). Dairy cows and all the things produced from milk. 3). Will cover the poultry, beef, and pork industry. West Lincoln Broadwell expands education to include agriculture Looking forward to a Middle School FFA Chapter by the next school year Continued --