2023 Animal Stories Magazine

Page 24 2023 Animal Stories Lincoln Daily News February 22. 2023 basis and trimming their nails weekly while sitting on the couch will pay off many times over as your dog matures. If you only do two nails at a sitting and make it fun, you will have accomplished your goal. Play with their feet/ears/mouth and get then used to this handling. Always remember to use lots of praise and treats when working with your dog at home. Ask your groomer what kind of combs and brushes are best suited for your dog’s coat. They will be very helpful. Many groomers and veterinarians are very busy and have longer than normal wait times to get in. Therefore, you should plan for this. Also, if needed, your doctor can review the medical history if it is an older pet. They can then advise you if you will need special care etc. for that situation. Will you need to board your new family member? If there is even the slightest possibility that you will, find a reputable boarding facility in your area and stop by for a visit. Do not wait until you take that well deserved vacation to board your pet for the first time. You could leave them for just an afternoon at first. The next step would be a weekend. Remember that it is far less traumatizing to them if they are even vaguely familiar with their temporary space and the people who work there. Sometimes emergency situations arise, and you are left with no options other than to board your pet. Make it as easy for them as possible. Bring along with them a favorite toy, or a blanket that smells like home. All these things will help reduce the stress of them not being with their family. As you can see, there are many things that go into these decisions, but the value of having a family member that will be by your side and be your best friend for years is priceless. Also, just exercise patience during the start of this lifetime commitment of your new best friend! NOTE: If you have further questions visit the Green Prairie Animal Hospitals website at www.greenprairieanimalhospitals.com