2022 Light Up a Life Magazine

Page 47 Light Up A Life A Publication of Lincoln Memorial Foundation Dec 2022/Jan 2023 In Memory of Those Who Have Passed 2022 Ronald Sprague, Sr. Beth Wright and Family, Ronnie Sprague and Family Mr. and Mrs. E. Stahlhut Ellen Barr Jocke Geo and Margaret Starchevich Robert Sheley Robert Steinfort Bill and Lauri Bates Rosemary Steinfort Bill and Lauri Bates Scott Steinfort Bill and Lauri Bates Pamela Sue Stewart Jean M. Orr Richard Stewart Mary Rose Morehead Bud Stingley Chris Hemenway Beverly Stoltzenburg Gary & Anne Stoltzenburg John & Lucille Stoltzenburg Gary & Anne Stoltzenburg Pearl Stonesifer Orville O. Bandelow Kevin Stotmeister Laura Sandrolini Andrew A. Straumann Pat Straumann James Strauss Brad and Carolyn Neal, with Love and Blessings Wendy Strocher John and Jeanette Johnson Arline and Frank Stroud Linda and Stu Churchill Beverly Stuffing Gladys Guinn Imogene Louise Sudduth Jean M. Orr Cliff (Sonny) Sullivan Linda Sullivan Marion Sutton Janet Sutton Sara Sutton Rob and Debby Lee Gace Swart Phyllis Yentes John Swart Phyllis Yentes Terry Szoke Les and Theresa Richert Mike Tackett Karen Schwantz Fletcher and Herma Taft Jim and Nancy Ireland Gary Talkington Teresa Pourchot Ruby Taylor Ruby Bates