2022 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS May / June 2022 Page 31 Continue 8 F or Lincoln resident Delores Cummings, and her friend and neighbor Judy Hail Lincoln K-9 Officer Ryan Sullivan is the best kind of hero, the kind that shows compassion and is willing to do what it takes to save a life. The twist in the story is that the life he saved was one of a four-legged nature, which was very important to the two ladies. But in addition to that, he helped Cummings restore the peace and calm in her home, buy rescuing a wayward kitten that had somehow made its way into the house, but not in the usual way. The issue began on Easter Sunday, April 17, in the Cummings home. She explained that she was getting ready for Easter and planning to leave the house. As she was doing so, she heard a sound that she couldn’t quite identify. She listened for a while, but ultimately hoped that the sound would go away by the time she returned home. It did not. By Monday morning the sound was becoming at the very least annoying to Mrs. Cummings but also very concerning. She had identified that the sound she was hearing was the mewing of a kitten and it sounded like the kitten was in her house. Cummings doesn’t have a cat, so she was alarmed to hear one in [Foster mom Mary Moore has given ‘Sullivan’ the kitten a new chance at life. Moore supplied the pictures.] Lincoln K-9 Officer Ryan Sullivan becomes a personal hero for two ladies and a cat