Home For The Holidays Magazine

Page 50 2022 Home For The Holidays Lincoln Daily News November 23, 2022 Tracy and Annette Welch Lincoln Mayor and Logan County Board Member respectively Greetings, This year has been a change for many and a new sense of normal for others. Our family immediately began the year with the unfortunate passing of my mother followed by moving my father to a long-term care facility. You see, during the last several months of 2021, we learned that my father had onset dementia, and my mother had been taking care of him. When mom passed in January, it was up to us to make sure that dad received the care he needs. This resulted in a lot of change for us and new “norms” as well. As the end of the year approaches fast, we are all reminded of just how much has changed in such a short period of time. All the while, we are also working hard to preserve sacred traditions and planning to spend as much time with dad as possible. The holidays won’t be the same without mom, but her memory lives on in each and everything we say and do. Although I know it will be different, I am looking forward to celebrating the holidays with family and friends and sharing a few laughs over a good meal. From our house to yours, we wish you happy holidays and do hope that you enjoy time with your loved ones as well. Happy Holidays, Tracy and Annette Welch Lincoln Ward 3 Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs “Wishing that your hearts are filled with Peace, Love, and Joy during this Holiday Season. Christmas is my favorite time of the year because it focuses on the innocence and pure happiness of Children and the belief that their wishes will come true. This sets the stage for bringing in a New Year with renewed hopes and goals for those things we value the most. With thanksgiving for the blessing of family, friends, and community, may your season and the year ahead be filled with good health and happiness.” Wanda Lee Rohlfs Rick Hoefle Ward 4 Alderman City of Lincoln May all have the best of Holidays and show our strong “Lincoln spirit” as we tackle 2023. Rick Hoefle Continued —