2022 Graduation Magazine
CLASS OF 2022 LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.COM MAY / JUNE 2022 Page 67 and they fulfill the dreams of various men and women who devoted their lives to this institution. LCU President Silas McCormick welcomed everyone to a community celebration. McCormick told graduates, not only do we celebrate you, but we celebrate the joy we have investing in you. The works so many people have done here investing in you make it possible to you to be here. [We celebrate] all the many ways you have overcome obstacles and disappointments to achieve what you achieve today. He said it is an honor having you participate in this ceremony with us. Next, McCormick introduced keynote speaker Dr. Timothy Dalrymple, who has a long list of accomplishments. Dalrymple is President and CEO of the magazine Christianity Today. McCormick said Dalrymple is one of those leading an evangelical institution that is helping to have conversations in love and grace those of us in education share. These are hard times for these conversations, but McCormick said, having the resources of those willing to have them is an important part of our experience as believers. Before the keynote address, Worship Ministry graduates Wenjun Yuan, Kelsey Taylor and Vann Barnette shared special music, singing “Thanks Be to Our God.” As Dalrymple began his keynote address, he said others have told him the students were not there to listen to him and were unlikely to remember what he said. What Dalrymple asked them to remember are three words: tapestry, weaver and storyteller. On an overhead screen, Dalrymple showed a tapestry known as “The Lady and the Unicorn” that has a series of six panels. The first panel shows a noble lady with a lion on her left and a unicorn on her right. Each panel shows the same characters and tells a story using the various senses. Dalrymple said these are not disconnected scenes on the meditation on the joys of touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight. In the final panel, the lady lays aside her necklace, ready to fulfill her desires. Dalrymple said the meaning of these panels have been discussed for years. What started as a celebration of the journey of the flesh becomes a journey of the soul into the deeper longings on the spirit. Continue 8
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