Logan County Fair 2022
Page 18 2022 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JULY / AUGUST 2022 Cunningham was charged with the task of examining the record books each of the entries provided, then meeting with the individual exhibitors and their cats for a brief conversation and an examination of each of the kitties. The first person to the judging table was Lauren Beck with her kitty Meow-meow. Lauren is a Sangamon County exhibitor. She was asked about her kitty’s habits and favorite things to do. Beck responded that Meow- meow’s favorite activity is sleeping, especially while lying on her lap. Beck was then asked what her favorite thing about Meow-meow was. She said that she loves his personality and that he is a super calm laid-back kitty. Cunningham asked questions about Meow- meow’s health and learned that he has never been sick, and he’s never gotten away from Lauren and been lost. She asked Beck what was challenging about having Meow-meow. Beck answered that Continued p
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