2015 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com August 2-9, 2015 page 163
Photos by Bem McBroom
Over the last years, the last Sunday of the Logan County Fair has been dubbed Redneck Day
at the fair. The attribution comes from the two main events that place on that day, the ‘Redneck
mudslinger Mud Bogs’ and the ‘Demolition Derby.’
This year the tradition continued as the Mudslingers began the day of activity on the fairgrounds
at around 10 a.m. and continued throughout the day until nearly time for the demo derby.
The objective of the mud bog is to drive quickly through a pit of mud with the intentions of
making it out the other end. The problem is about halfway through the mud in the pit takes on the
consistency of quicksand mixed with pudding, and literally sucks the trucks in and won’t let go.
The same is true for the people who take the challenge of running through the pit in the Dash for
Cash events. Throughout the day, the events are held in age groups starting with youngsters first
and working up to adults. This year LDN happened by as a group of youngsters were taking the
dive into the mud with the hopes of being the ones to go the farthest and take home the big prize.
Mud Bogs
Kids dash for prizes