2014 Worship Guide - page 10

2014 Worship Guide
A Lincoln Daily News.com Publication
afraid to have children dress like angels at
Halloween and afraid to have His picture
hung in the halls of government buildings.
• The authorities are afraid to have
manger scenes on government property but
recently said the KKK can legally place a
cross on the lawn.
• The postal service is afraid to tell
customers, “Merry Christmas” but instead
instruct their workers to say “Happy
The list goes on and on of the fear of what
Jesus could do in our society if He
was allowed to come and be a part of us.
I believe the very thing they’re afraid of
is the very thing that has the means of
bringing peace into our lives and into our
relationships. It isn’t impossible for you
today to have more peace. It simply begins
with the Prince of Peace and letting Him
back into your world. Maybe you and your
family should give Him another chance.
As always, you and yours are invited to
attend our Christmas services any Sunday
in December. The Prince of Peace is just
around the corner.
Ron Otto
Lincoln Christian Church
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