2014 Lincoln Heritage Museum Magazine Lincoln Daily News.com April 26, 2014 7
Snyder opened with comments concerning Daniel
Day-Lewis, who played the starring role in the Steven
Spielberg movie “Lincoln.” In an interview, Day-Lewis
said he thought that having himself cast as Lincoln
was a bad idea, even after the filming of the movie,
“but by that time it was too late.” The actor said: “I had
already been drawn into Lincoln’s orbit. It was a very
powerful orbit. Which is interesting because we tend
to hold him at such a distance. He’s been mythologized
almost to the point of dehumanization. But when you
approach him, he almost instantly becomes welcoming
and accessible, the way he was in life. He draws you
closer to him.”
Snyder went on to say: “The interesting thing is, we
didn’t create the mythology of Abraham Lincoln. We
slept, and ate, and walked, and joked, and worked with
Abraham Lincoln. In fact we were so taken with the
gentleman that we named our community after him
in 1853 — the only community in the world that did
that. To the Lincoln
College students
here today, and to
those sleeping in, I
would say to you:
This demonstrates
that we see greatness
long before others
do and that we see
greatness in all of
Snyder finished by
saying, “He is not
a myth here.” He said the city is very proud of the
museum and the college.
Before introducing museum director Ron Keller,
Blackburn said that Sen. Bill Brady was present
to make a special presentation. Blackburn noted
his appreciation for Sen. Brady and his support of
Lincoln College. He said Brady and Brauer are always
asking how they can help Lincoln College. “It is really
refreshing when your legislators are asking how they
can help you,” Blackburn said.
Brady took the podium and congratulated everyone on
the opening of the museum. Brady said he’s read a lot
of books on Abraham Lincoln, all of them important,
because Lincoln is someone from whom we can learn
the strength of perseverance, the importance of God
and faith, and the importance of humanity.
Brady then presented Ron Keller with a certificate
from the Illinois Senate, “acknowledging the opening
of this wonderful asset to the State of Illinois, county of
Logan, and city of Lincoln.”
Story by Nila Smith