In Honor of.....
Light Up A Life
A publication of Abraham Lincoln Heathcare Foundation
Kent Leesman Family
Keith and Jeaneen Ray
Lydia Lemme
James and Jill Rimington
Verna Lessen
Steven and Cathy Cosby and Family
Genia & Dave Lock & Family
Ms. Lucille Miller
Lee M. Logan
Rich and Rojean Logan
Rich Logan
Dorthea Schmidt
Rojean Logan
Dorthea Schmidt
Staff at Logan/Mason/Menard Regional
Office of Education
Mike and Jean Anderson
Mildred Maaks
Wayne E. Sheley Family
Joe and Janet Malson
Mrs. Katherine McArthy
Jean Martin
Betty Hickey
Cynthia Mattson
Patricia Lolling
Jason Mauhar Family
Keith and Jeaneen Ray
Dale Maxheimer
Shirley A. Brittin and Siblings of
Alfred Maxheimer Family
Jim McClard
Daniel Bock & June Novak-Bock
Aubrey Shea McLaughlin
Dan and Mary McLaughlin