2014 Logan County Fair - page 209

2014 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com July 31, 2014 page 209
taste of sweet sucess for 4-H
Winning cakes
Story By Jan Youngquist
Cakes were judged before a live audience and then auctioned by Mike Maske from
the Lincoln Stage beginning about 5 p.m. on Sunday. From left to right: Cake Classic
superintendent, Janet Dahmm; judge Cindy Friedrich, and assistants Deb Rohrer and
Megan Opperman.
n Sunday afternoon, cakes baking
raising in the ovens at the Logan
County Fair also meant raising funds
for the 4-H programs.
This year’s cakes all rose to this year’s special
occasion, the 50th Anniversary of the Logan
County Cake Classic.
At the late Sunday afternoon event, the top eight
cakes auctioned by Mike Maske garnered nearly
$4,000. The entire amount goes directly to the
Logan County 4-H and the funds are used to
support programming throughout the year.
Cake Classic superintendent, Janet Dahmm, said
that the auction did not start out giving the funds
to 4-H, but that is what it has been for some
years, and she is glad. She comes from a Logan
County farm family and has had children com-
pete at the fair.
After judging, each cake was brought up for
auction beginning with the first place winner,
Jacob Runyon with his chocolate frosted choco-
late cake.
Every cake baker was asked to say a few words
about their cake and then to hold their cake up
for all to see during the bidding process. After
auctioning, each baker and the buyer posed for
a photo with Miss Logan County Fair Alyssa
Morris and Little Miss Chloe Bottom.
2014 Logan County Fair
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