2013 Lincoln Daily News Fair Book - page 389

Indeed Marian Haseley said she has not
missed a single one of the 77 annual Lo-
gan County Fairs, though she did think
about not coming this year. "But, my
daughter-in-law said, ‘You've been to all
of them so far, you can't stop now!' so
today, she brought me to the fair."
Haseley said she attended the first fair 77
years ago at the age of 14 with her father
and her two sis-
ters. “I remem-
ber it because
I’d never seen
anything like
this before, and
we all had a re-
ally good time,”
she said.
After that she
made a point
of going every
year. She said
that when she
married and had
children, the fair
was still an important part of their sum-
mer routine. “We had kids in 4-H. They
showed animals and garden products, so
we still came to the fair. It was always a
busy time, but we enjoyed it, and I enjoyed
being with the people.”
Haseley said it is just as enjoyable today as
it was 77 years ago. “I still get to see a lot
of people. Sometimes it will be someone
I haven’t seen in years, but I remember
them, and they remember me,” she said.
On Sunday afternoon, Logan County put
to rest its 77th fair. For the most part, like
all its predecessors, it was a great event.
Making it a bit better than most years,
though, was the cooler weather. Tempera-
tures were lower than normal, considerably
more so than last year’s, which was good
for people and animals alike. There were
some mild rainy spells, but no one really
seemed to mind that too much.
A couple of events had to be rerouted or
rescheduled due
to the rain, such as
the kiddie trac-
tor pull that was
moved inside to
the events build-
ing and the first
day of harness rac-
ing that was post-
poned from Tues-
day to Thursday.
The ankle-deep
mud on scrambles
night just made it
more interesting
for everyone.
LDN had people out at the fair every day,
and even before it began. The time spent
out there was the best kind of work, the
kind you don’t consider work because you
enjoy it so much.
It will take a couple more days to get all the
recordings and results in, and to put them
into LDN. But, the 2013 Logan County
Fair is now history, and we’d like to say,
“See you next year, Marian, for number
2013 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com July 30, 2013 page 389
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