With the price of gasoline edging up again, everyone can use a little help.  LDN and these sponsors have put together a little contest to give away a $50 gas card each week for the next 12 weeks (starting April 9, 2007).

The contest is brought to you by
Lincoln Daily News and these fine sponsors.

Win Free Gas Contest
Week of April 9, 2007

     Name ________________________
       City  ____________ State _____
          Zip ______
   Phone  __________________

Your entry must be received by the contest deadline Friday, April 20 at 3pm.

Mail your completed entry to:

Lincoln Daily News
Contest Entry Dept.
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

or put your entry in the LDN drop box outside the CCA building at 601 Keokuk St, Lincoln.

[scaled down example of
contest entry form]

It's easy to enter and easy to win!

  1. Click on the weekly contest link on the front page of LDN starting April 9.

  2. Print the weekly contest page.

  1. Read LDN daily during the contest week and pay close attention to the ads.  The puzzle answers are in the ads.  Mouse over the ads to find 3 - 10 puzzle answers per daily edition.

  2. Fill in the puzzle with the answers that you find when you run your mouse over the ads with the hidden answers. 

  3. Fill in your Name, Address and Phone number on the contest entry form.

EXAMPLE: [Mouse over this ad to see
the hidden puzzle answer.]


NOTE: Not every ad will have a hidden answer.  Missed puzzle answers can be found in the LDN archives.

  1. Mail your entry to:                 Lincoln Daily News
                                                      Contest Entry Dept.
                                                      601 Keokuk St.
                                                      Lincoln, IL  62656

    or put your entry form in the LDN drop box
    at 601 Keokuk St. in Lincoln (The CCA building).

The winning entry will be drawn from all the entry forms with all the correct answers received by the deadline.  Each week's deadline will be clearly printed on the Contest Entry Form.

Play as often as you like, but only one entry per week per person.  Complete contest rules can be found HERE!

The contest winner will be notified by telephone, and
their picture will appear in LDN receiving their
$50 gas card.

A daily newspaper on the internet published 6 days a week since January, 2000.  Current circulation 6,000+ readers per day.


Questions or problems with the puzzle?  email us at puzzle@lincolndailynews.com