2023 Spring Farm Outlook

Page 10 2023 Logan County Spring Farm Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 2023 By Karen Hargis Earlier this year, LDN went out to area agriculture related businessmen and asked them to elaborate on one question – “Other than weather what is the biggest challenge facing Logan County farmers this spring and summer?” From a variety of sources with varying interests in the 2023 farming season, LDN collected several opinions, all of which are worthy of contemplation. Generally speaking the primary concerns voiced in the answers revolve around interest rates, uncertainly of markets, supply issues, labor and freight shortages, fuel and learning new practices. One answer, from Stan Anderson at AHW in New Holland is particularly interesting as it causes one to wonder, what new practices should we be learning? Anderson believes one of the challenges for area farmers will be learning and keeping up with new practices. LDN dug a little deeper and found one new development in farming in the unmanned or What are the challenges that face producers in the 2023 season? Survey sez… autonomous tractor for tillage. This could be a great thing, and is closer to reality in Logan County than one would imagine. But for some producers the learning curve is going to be steep. Think invisible fences (GEO fencing), remote cameras with 360-degree views, and having the courage to leave a running, moving tractor in the field unattended. That, in itself, is going to be a big challenge for some of our ‘hands on’ farmers. Anderson is looking forward to the new machines and is hopeful they will be available in Logan County soon. Neal Stimpert Atlanta National Bank “Interest rates for ag loans are up. So inflation is going to be a challenge for those that need to borrow. So if inputs stay high then prices at market need to stay high. One of the ways they may offset costs might be to utilize unused farmland.” Brad Close Beason Ag Center Brad Close echoes the uncertainty of the markets being a factor. “Right now the markets are strong and the cost of inputs, compared to last year, have been a bit down.” Continued --