2023 Hometown Heroes Magazine

Page 6 2023 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS May 2023 By Alice Doehring I, Alice Doehring, was in Vienna, Austria sightseeing one day. I stepped off the curb to take a picture of the Opera House. A noiseless tram was coming to the left of me that I did not see or hear. My friend, Tillie Griffin Newhouse, grabbed my arm and pulled me up to the sidewalk. As I turned to the left, when she grabbed me, I saw the conductor’s face reacting to thinking he was going to hit me. I was saved! I was shook up after my miss from death that day, but I pulled myself together and we continued sightseeing. I shared this news with my and Tillie’s church, Jefferson Street Christian Church, one Sunday before Thanksgiving 2011, and I wanted to share it with you, Lincoln Daily News. Tillie’s a true hero! We’ve been friends for ages, go to the same church, and we’re both former teachers in Logan County. Thank you for considering my hero for your website. Reader Submission: My good friend became my hero when she literally saved my life!